This week, Christianity Today announced its devotional availability for the Lent and Easter seasons. I bought it ( because I also purchased the Christmas Advent devotional a few months ago, and it was terrific.

The Lent and Easter devotional introduction says, “Through the devotional writings and artistic illustrations in this special issue from Christianity Today, a variety of pastors, theologians, and thinkers offer their perspective on what we must let die in our day and age in order to come to terms with reality and live in the renewal that Easter promises … As we journey through this season of Lent and Easter together, let’s wonder and discuss what we believe needs to die in order to lead to vibrant life in our unique contexts of vocation and community.”


The bold italic type was my addition to provide attention.


What comes to your mind when you read that?


For me, the way we do Church needs to die.


For 30 years, churches have found eloquent speakers, dazzling lights, hip singing, and inspiration. The audience … er, oh, I mean congregation, are entertained and then go home.


In the new vibrant life arena, let us engage the audience/congregation by helping them Discover their Spiritual DNA (God-given Passion, God-given Spiritual Gifts, and our God-given Relational Style). In turn, the (POWERFUL) Holy Spirit power will be set free in our/your people, Church, and community. You experience something you have never seen. Joy abounds. Lost people find Christ. COVID evacuators return, and 20 to 30-year-olds see Christ and are enthralled. The achievement of fruitful and fulfilling experiences in the Church and community ignites people’s souls, and they will want more. Our design by God is to edify others and glorify Christ.